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Currently reading

Karin Slaughter
The Lost Hours
Karen White
The Look of Love
Bella Andre
Friends Forever
Danielle Steel
The Jelly Bean Crisis
Jolene Stockman
Steeled for Murder
K.M. Rockwood
Ethan Justice: Origins
Simon R. Jenner
Farewell, Dorothy Parker
Ellen Meister
If You Find Me
Emily Murdoch
A Diet to Die For: A Skinny Mystery
Sarah Steding
The Butterfly Cabinet: A Novel - Bernie McGill I had never read this author before but once I picked up this book I was hooked! It is a tragic tale about a mother who accidently kills one of her children trying to teach her a lesson. The story is told by two people. The mother and the nanny. I hated the mother but at times caught myself feeling sorry for her. I was so sure I knew the ending of this story until boom.....I was soooo wrong! Great job Bernie! I loved this book and can't wait to read more by you!